Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The most important points of older men dating younger women

As we know, equality between men and women . But old man marriage with young woman is fashion, there is no oppression, but a lot of younger women are willing to marry the older men, then why?

First, the old man is very gentle, in the society for so many years. He is not the kind of childish, not like the young man that you also need to coax him. Instead he will be gentle to you, know what you need, women like to be such a man.
Second: the old man is one of the most vulnerable animals in the world. On the surface, they are strong, but their hearts are not as young as they were. The young woman's youth is just what they want.
Third: the old man is generally a successful person. He can share the experience of life and work for younger women, and the economic base of the old man can really make their marriage more successful.
Fourth, for men, in the face of mature women, there will be a little fear, for fear of losing the authority of men. (Mabye few people to admit it) While the young woman is simple, romance. He is a glass of pure water, and you can make tea can also be washed into the coffee. So young women love mature old man.
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Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The relationships between the age gap and happiness.

Different ages have different sexual psychology and sexual physiology characteristic, the person's life can't be matched perfectly. Women's sexual maturity earlier than men, this does not mean that women's sexual organs development earlier. In fact, men and women in the physiological development in the same ages, but the female sexual psychology to mature. If the physiological age of men and women in the same stage, then the women's psychological age should be a little larger. So, if men are 8 to 13 years old, they can balance it.

From the sexual function recession, women 45-55 years old started menopause, men without the pain the sexual function will keep to more than 60 years old, and at this point the couple little more match. Assuming that women 50 years of age, 60 years old began to refuse sexual life, and men after the age of 70 began to refuse sexual life, so the difference is 10 years old. If the same age, to two people in the elderly are indeed more difficult to coordinate. At this time the male is in a blank area, will feel the family is not warm, and his wife did not know the needs of her husband's physiology, two people do not actively communicate, the marriage will be a problem. Most people now support the relationship between the age gap.
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Monday, August 22, 2016

4 tips to bypass age gap troubles

Sometimes, a big age gap relationship hard to accepted with us, but every love romance should be worthy of respect. These are 4 tips in mind to bypass age gap troules for age gap relatinship.

Remember that your story is still in process. We cannot stress enough the importance of watching your thoughts, especially when it comes to your relationship and the differences between you and your partner. Remind yourself that nothing is a 100% guaranteed. The way you think about, talk to and act with your partner is what will guide the two of you to happiness (or disappointment and breakup). 
Adopt an attitude of respect. Being respectful of your partner may seem like a no-brainer suggestion, but when differences arise that don't make sense to you or that feel like a challenge to the way you "do" things, it gets more complicated. Make it your intention to always be kind and respectful, even when you two don't agree.
 Stay curious. Curiosity can be your most powerful tool when dealing with a difference that's upsetting or stressful. Keep telling yourself that trying to understand isn't "giving in," and keep asking questions so that you truly can get a clear and accurate sense of where your partner is coming from. A great phrase we use in our own relationship is, "Please tell me more."
Nurture what's unique about you. Know that creating a happy and connected relationship when there's an age gap isn't about giving up your opinions, values or what's most important to you. There's room for you to be authentically who you are and to pursue your interests and personal passions, while also contributing to an amazing connection with your partner.

Find reasons to celebrate the wonderful blend of differences and similarities (and everything else in between) in your relationship.
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Friday, August 19, 2016

It’s an age-long time question: What's the perfect age gap for an ideal relationship?
An Elite Singles' survey of 450,000 online daters reveals that men and women have different age limits when it comes to love. Older men desire the biggest age gap, searching for women as much as 11 years younger – no surprise.

Everybody has an opinion, especially when it comes to celebrity age gap romances. Some people say the age of the younger person in the relation should not be less than half the age of the older person plus seven years. So for example if you are 28 years the least you can go to date a person who is 14+7= 21 or older. If you are 40, you can date a person who is 20+7= 27 or older.
Male companion would feel a sense of Responsibility towards his partner seeing the seniority of several years. Female would be able to live freely with a man who has seen neither too more or too less, and in case just the same things .
As women grow older a little faster than men, this age difference will support their aging factor. It will neither be an odd pair later nor a set of egoistic age-sake people. Your mutual intelligence and cooperation would be great due to this age gap.
This age gap keeps couples attracted forever. Do you think so?

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Dating age difference doesn't make a relationship any less real.

Dating age difference has long been thought of in American culture as a classic sign of midlife crisis. In some circles, dating a younger woman is a status symbol. Men aren't the only ones who date younger people, an old man dating a younger women is rapidly becoming a part of the public consciousness.
Dating age difference doesn't make a relationship any less real.

In fact, a significant age difference doesn't make a relationship any less real or meaningful, though it may create some challenges that don't exist when romantic partners are close in age. Navigating the social ramifications of your relationship while struggling with generation gaps can be tough, but a significant age difference can give you the chance to consider new perspectives and appreciate the offerings of a different generation.
While there is a common issue that face couples who have large age gaps. Here we will look at a impotent thing for dealing with big age gaps.
Sometimes people are going to disagree with your dating age difference,ever with a big age difference, no matter how perfect your relationship is. With close friends and family, this may mean making an effort to explain why you're in love with the person and not with his or her age. But be prepared for snide, inconsiderate remarks. Getting into constant arguments about your partner's age is no way to live, so plan a simple—and ideally polite—response that shuts down further discussions of your partner's age.

Sunday, August 14, 2016

3 easy tips for dating younger women

Is dating younger women impossible? Definitely not. May December romances happen all the time, in fact – but like any good relationship, they have to start with a foundation of respect and honesty.How to attract women? 3 easy tips for dating younger women.

Do not worry about other people:

If you are an older guy and your girlfriend is noticeably younger, then you are going to attract stares from people who think she is just with you for your money. Do not let this ruin a good thing though, and if you are happy in your relationship, then it really should not matter what other people think or say – and in many cases they are just jealous.

Don’t act like a “perv”:

Most attractive young women have been hit on by some lame, perverted older guy. Don’t try to move in too soon, or she’ll think you’re just a “perv” looking to get into her pants. When your alone together, it’s OK to flirt, but let her pursue you for anything further. Otherwise you may scare her away.

Give her some space:

Younger women have probably just gotten out of their parent’s house with very structured lives and zero freedom. If she’s attracted to you, it’s not because you’re re-creating the suffocating environment that she just left… it’s because you represent something different. Give her some space. Be the man that she’s always dreamed about, and then don’t chase her. Let her come to you.
Try not to focus so much on their (or your) age, but rather how they make you feel about yourself and whether or not you find any mutual attraction between the two of you. Do something different than most of the 50-something men out there that are dating younger women – or trying to – and you might just rise above the pack and find someone amazing, irregardless of when either of you were born.