Tuesday, July 26, 2016

WHY do older dudes like young?

So many ladies ask me what is up with older men dating younger women.

There is actually an evolutionary psychological theory surrounding this common "phenomenon". There have been many studies conducted exploring the reasons behind older men dating younger woman. One of them published in the journal Evolutionary Psychology, looked at 400 romantic ads in the Swedish newspapers Göteborgs-Posten and Aftonbladet and on the websites Spraydate and Match.com.

Men in all categories prefer younger partners. Of a total of 97 men who mentioned age in their ads, only three were looking for an older partner — among men aged 40 to 59, only one out of 67.

Women I've interviewed between the ages of 40 and 70 largely believe men their age are not interested in dating someone their own age. Studies show older men prefer youth and beauty first for mate selection and women choose men who offer resources and stability. It's no surprise there are a number of websites emerging and profiting from these "mutually benefiting" relationships. The "successful older man" seeking "young attractive female" is common place. Let's reveal a few of the reasons behind older men dating younger women.

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